The OIC Trade Center

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Upcoming Events

19-20 Sept. 2024

23rd Meeting of the COMCEC Trade Working Group: Ankara, Türkiye

24-25 Sept. 2024

ICDT Invest Days Yaoundé: Yaoundé, Cameroon

24-25 Sept. 2024

23rd Meeting of the COMCEC Tourism Working Group: Ankara, Türkiye

8-9 Oct. 2024

OIC Halal Forum Azerbaijan: Baku, Azerbaijan

8-12 Oct 2024

10th Exhibition of Halal Products in the OIC Member States:Tunis, Tunisia

2-5 Nov. 2024

41st Session of the COMCEC: Istanbul, Türkiye

29 Nov. - 01 Dec. 2024

18th Trade Fair of the OIC Member States (18th TFOIC): Lahore, Pakistan

4-5 Dec. 2024

8th ACMOI : Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

All upcoming events for the next 12 months

Areas of Action:

ICDT invests all its resources to stimulate, facilitate and improve the dynamics of trade in the countries of the OIC region.
Our mission consists in facilitating business, promoting trade, attracting, and supporting investments in 57 OIC countries.

Other ICDT’s Websites


Trade and Investment Sub-Committee platform

ICDT's Trade events

Trade events organized by ICDT

Invest Days - Nouakchott

Invest Days events organized by ICDT

Invest Days - Banjul

Invest Days events organized by ICDT

Halal Dashboard

OIC Halal Economy Dashboard